U.N. Scientist Rejects Nobel Prize Share, Denounces Climate Alarmism

Photo of Matthew Sheffield.

By Matthew Sheffield | November 1, 2007 – 09:46 ET

Has the global warming alarmism movement hit its apex? Maybe so.

In recent weeks, we’ve seen a resurgence of hard scientists who have come out strongly against the warm-mongers, the latest of which is Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change member John R. Christy. In an op-ed in today’s Wall Street Journal, Christy tells the world that not only does he believe it’s unproven that humans cause global warming, he’s refusing his “share” of the Nobel Peace Prize that he was awarded because it was based on a misunderstanding of science.

An excerpt from this must-read op-ed:

4 Responses to “U.N. Scientist Rejects Nobel Prize Share, Denounces Climate Alarmism”

  1. johnseeking Says:

    Absolutely beautiful. It’s nice to see one more Jack crying foul on the house of cards…

  2. jonnonogood Says:

    wow, a member… anyone can be a member… so what.. a climate skeptic joins up, so he can say he is part of the club… how boring… read a book! Christy is the guy who made a sign error in his analysis of satellite temperature records..

  3. johnseeking Says:

    @ jon:

    … Huh?

  4. Jonathan Says:

    If only the mainstream media would objectively report this issue would be put to sleep in no time at all. But they are politically driven. Look at my thoughts about it http://www.thoughtstook.com/2007/11/06/important-alert-level-code-green/

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