Emissions up in developed nations


When did the UN become the rulers of Canada? or anywhere else for that matter. The UN and the madcaps that dwell there, want to rule the world. What does the UN offer? nothing of any value. They offer us phony global warming via the IPCC, brainwashing of the children in the schools via UNESCO, internationalization of our electrical systems via the IEA, internationalization of our water via the IWRM. The UN owns nothing and offers nothing – yet they want us to allow them to set the important policy of our countries.

If you want One World Govt. and One World Religion, jump on the UN bandwagon. If you still believe in your Nation State  and Democracy, then it’s time to roll up your “Freedom Sleeves”  and get to work.

Democracy is not a right and it can be lost, especially when our own governments are working to undermine it via the UN.


Emissions up in developed nations

By Roger Harrabin
Environment analyst, BBC News

Smoke billows from Germany's Frimmersdorf power plant on 25 February 2008

Industrialised nations’ emissions are up since 2000, despite promised cuts

Emissions of greenhouse gases by industrialised nations rose 2.3% from 2000 to 2006, according to new figures from the UN’s climate change agency.

The biggest increases were in the former Soviet bloc – and Canada.

A UN spokesman said countries had to work much faster to avoid the possibility of dangerous climate change.

Next month the nations of the world meet in Poland for the annual negotiations on climate change.

The new figures do not offer a great deal of optimism.

They show that in 2006 emissions did actually fall by 0.1%, but the UN’s climate change secretariat said that this tiny dip was statistically insignificant.

The overall underlying trend since 2000 is up, even though the countries in question had promised to cut their emissions.

The worst culprit has been Canada. Its emissions since 1990 have shot up 21.3% – they should have fallen 6%.

Full story BBC

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One Response to “Emissions up in developed nations”

  1. John Says:

    Hi Ron,

    Just wondering if you have seen this very interesting article:

    keep up the great work!

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