Archive for the ‘Dofasco’ Category

Energy plan calls for wind, nuclear

August 30, 2007

From the Editor:

Dalton and his band of fools are so ludicrous that after they get the boot on Oct. the 10th they might want to shop their time in power to the CBC as a comedy. It might be funny as a sitcom but it’s far from funny as reality.

Ever since deregulation our electrical grid has been a disaster.

Deregulation did not work to the benefit of the citizens of Ont. and needs to be rolled back.

So who you gonna vote for.

Dalton is a disaster.

John Tory wants to fill up the great lakes with windmills . Expensive and unworkable.

Howard Hampton wants to run the grid with wind and solar. Expensive and unworkable.

Why is Dofasco, Canada’s biggest and most profitable steelmaker going to coal? Because gas is way too expensive. What do these parties plan to use to back up the wind and solar? Gas. Watch your hydro bill soar like an eagle.

The people who should be looking after our electrical needs know and will tell you that the best option at this time is to put the scrubbers on the coal plants and build another nuke.

If you allow reality to enter your mind you will come to the same conclusion.




Coal-fired plants to be phased out by the end of 2014, but some will be kept operational for “insurance purposes” in case of an unexpected shortfall in power supply or unusually high demand. Read the entire new plan at the National Post

From the Editor:

Which is it Dalton or do you know. You told the people of Ont. that you would close the coal plants in 2007 then you said for sure in 2014. Now you say you will phase them out by the end of 2014 but at the same time you will keep them operational. Why? Just in case you don’t have a clue what you are talking about. Goodbye Dalton. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out the door.

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Read the story from the Sarnia Observer below

Liberals Reveal Easy Hypocrisy

The desperation shown by Dalton McGuinty’s Liberal government heading into the Oct. 10th provincial election reached new heights last week when it announced $6 million to help a Hamilton steel company replace natural gas with coal in its operations.

The Liberals, of course, are the same party that issued a legally binding regulation just days earlier to close Ontario’s four remaining coal-fired power plants by 2014, a move that spells the end of the Lambton Generating Station and 400 well-paid local jobs.

To cut operating costs, Dofasco is building a $60-million pulverized coal injection system to run two blast furnaces. By switching to coal from natural gas the Hamilton-based company expects to save about $28 million a year.

Dofasco is Canada’s biggest and most profitable steelmaker. Yet McGuinty still cuts the company a cheque for $6 million of taxpayer’s money, part of a pre-election spending blitz that has reached dizzying proportions.

Read the full story THE SARNIA OBSERVER (more…)