Archive for the ‘London Free Press’ Category

Energy Policy 'Too Wind Focused'

July 12, 2009

Editor:  The UK is calling for more coal and nuclear.

But here in Ontario,  Dalton McGuinty and George Smitherman just keep on jambing up the wind farms even though anyone with an ounce of sense  should know better.

Listen up Dalton and George, it’s over, everyone but you two seen to get the picture.

Quit wasting the taxpayers money!  CO2 doesn’t cause global warming.

Get your act together or resign!


The UK must invest more in nuclear and clean coal energy and put less emphasis on wind power if it wants a secure low-carbon future, business leaders say.

The CBI says government energy policy is “disjointed” and it is urging a “more balanced” energy mix.

The current approach means the UK might miss climate change targets, it added.

The government said putting in place a balanced mix of renewables, new nuclear and cleaner fossil fuels was at the heart of its energy policy.

But the CBI is calling for more action.

“The government’s disjointed approach is deterring the private sector investment needed to get our energy system up to scratch, bolster security and cut emissions,” said CBI deputy director general John Cridland.

“While we have generous subsidies for wind power, we urgently need the national planning statements needed to build new nuclear plants.

“If we carry on like this we will end up putting too many of our energy eggs in one basket.”

Full story at the BBC

Premier, Dalton McGuinty Talks About Renewable Energy For Ontario

Ontario becomes a Fascist State

More growers turn to coal – Use of Coal is Expanding in the Province of Ontario

Beware! The Green Shirts Are Here

Doctor calls for health study

February 2, 2009

Doctor calls for health studies on windmill farms


When London surgeon Robert McMurtry decided to build a house, he wanted to go green — geothermal heating, solar panels for hot water and a wind turbine for electricity.

But when he started reading about wind turbines, the former dean of medicine at the University of Western Ontario said he had a change of heart.

“I thought, ‘Holy Toledo, there are some issues here.’ ”

Dozens of wind turbines have already been built or proposed in Southwestern Ontario, as Queen’s Park tries to wean Ontario off dirty coal-fired electricity plants and reduce its reliance on nuclear power.

McMurtry is calling for health studies into the wind turbine farms popping up across Ontario with backing by the provincial government. With towers nearly 100 metres tall, and blades half that long, the turbines can be an imposing sight, even from afar.

<!– –>

“At minimum, they should be doing a survey of people around wind farms and getting a sense of how many people are complaining of problems,” he said.

“If there is enough evidence, they should mount a formal epidemiological study,” McMurtry said.

In the U.S. and Western Europe especially, where wind farms are more advanced than in Canada, complaints abound about the low-frequency sound the giant windmills generate.

In Canada, Ontario is one of the only provinces with any regulations governing wind farms, requiring a noise-impact assessment for areas up to 1,000 metres from the wind turbine.

McMurtry is concerned about the health complaints he’s heard from people living near wind farms, including sleep disturbance from the noise of the giant turbine blades.

“Once you have sleep disturbance for a few days, you aren’t going to be feeling well,” he said.

Last week, the province announced it’s backing six new wind farm projects, including three in Chatham-Kent, that are expected to create 558 jobs.

Total investment in the new farms is expected to reach $1.32 billion.

McMurtry, who has taken his concerns to Ontario Energy Minister George Smitherman, said it’s going to be an uphill battle to convince people to look hard at the health implications because turbines have become closely associated with green energy.

“It has got an iconic, symbolic status that really carries a lot of weight and there is a very powerful, worldwide lobby group behind it,” he said.

McMurtry said turbines smaller than the ones being installed may be better than the monsters now going up.

“Harness the wind safely. Let’s look at other alternatives. There are better, smarter options,” he added.

Monica Elmes, of the Chatham-Kent Wind Action Group, an organization opposed to the wind farms, said the turbines will be an unreliable, intermittent source of electricity and a waste of taxpayers’ money.

“All Ontario residents are truly the losers in this scam,” Elmes said in an e-mail.

For the latest local coverage, read The London Free Press on the web or in print.

Video of the Ripley wind farm

Canadian Space Agency Watches Wind Turbine Explode

July 30, 2008

I don’t know why, but I find this rather amusing. I get a lot of visits from different govt. agencies but the thought of the Canadian Space Agency sitting around watching a wind turbine explode, cracks me up.

The CBC, both Toronto and Montreal were on my blog today, maybe they could get together with the Space Agency and make a short documentary on the subject.

IP Address         142.74.1.# (Canadian Space Agency)
ISP         Canadian Space Agency
Continent     :     North America
Country     :     Canada  (Facts)
State/Region     :     Ontario
City     :     Ottawa
Lat/Long     :     45.4167, -75.7 (Map)
Distance     :     476 miles

Visit Entry Page http://windfarms.wor…-turbine-in-denmark/


April 7, 2008

Ever wondered why you can’t get anyone in govt. to listen when confronted about the negative affects of wind farms?  T

hey don’t give a damn  about you, your family or your property value. They smell money.

This is the Enron Scam on steroids. Ex-politicians filling their pockets with your tax dollars.

What do you get in return? Higher electrical costs, higher taxes, and if you are unlucky enough to live near a wind farm, a life altering experience.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

‘Unrelated’ ICBC resignation unbelievable


Michael Smyth
The Province

Trying to figure out Paul Taylor’s “coincidental” resignation as boss of ICBC is sort of like kicking the tires on one of their chop-shop write-offs — or attending one of the insurance monopoly’s rigged auctions.

There’s a lot more going on here than meets the eye of the average sucker.

{Snip} …

But if you still think Taylor’s departure is “completely unrelated” to ICBC’s little chop shop of horrors out in Burnaby — well, I know an ICBC insider who can get you a heckuva deal on a rebuilt Yugo (as long as you’re not picky about things like working air bags).

Completely unrelated? Give me a freaking break. The public has been ripped off. ICBC insiders have benefitted from a shabby scheme usually reserved for grifters and sharpies.

Most disturbing of all is the possibility illegally rebuilt vehicles have been hustled to unsuspecting B.C. drivers without the proper safety checks.

There’s more than a monopoly’s corporate reputation on the line here. People’s lives were possibly put at risk so ICBC insiders could line their own pockets.

And now the CEO is strapping on his parachute and hitting the silks during the crisis? Very impressive.

They can call it “completely unrelated” if they want. I call it an abdication of duty. Taylor should be promising the public that he’ll get to the bottom of this extremely disturbing scandal and take his lumps if he’s found ultimately responsible.

Instead, he’s running away. And his corporate and political masters have nothing but praise.

Source The Province

Mr. Taylor, President and CEO of the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC), will join NaiKun Wind Group as President and Director. Steven Eckert, a former consultant to BC Hydro

Ex-AECL boss’ firm could make Millions

Tory insider’s involvement in project ‘doesn’t pass the smell test’:

Ottawa Citizen Saturday, December 22, 2007
Michael Burns, the B.C. businessman and backroom Conservative who recently resigned as chairman of Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., is also chairman of a Vancouver wind power firm the federal government approved for up to $10 million in alternate energy funding while Mr. Burns was AECL chairman. The offshore wind power company, NaiKun Wind Energy Group, has two former assistants to Prime Minister Stephen Harper as senior officers and also has other well-connected Conservatives on its board of directors. NaiKun received approval for wind.
Mr. Taylor, President and CEO of the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC), will join NaiKun Wind Group as President and Director. Steven Eckert, a former consultant to BC Hydro
Ventus Energy Inc. – The Toronto-based company, whose flagship wind projects are in PEI. . Former Ontario premier David Peterson is a board member of privately held Ventus.

If you know of any other Canadian ex-politicians involved in the energy scam please let me know.

Kyoto supporters have no idea

April 3, 2008

Happy to see Mr. Goldstein finally taking the gloves off. He should have been saying this a long time ago. Better late than never I guess.

The National Post has been telling it’s readers for quite some time that global warming is a fraud, and it is.

 The Toronto Star- enough said.

I would hope by now these papers would have some understanding of the wind energy situation. It is part of the global warming – Kyoto fraud. 

The govt. says it must put up wind farms to save the environment from global warming and to meet our Kyoto commitments. 

What they are doing, is running over the rights of the citizens of Ont. 

It’s ironic that the very people that say the windmills must be installed to save the environment, have no problem trashing the environment of the people already living there.

Global warming is a fraud as is Kyoto and the wind farms.

It’s time the papers got on board and starting stating the truth about wind farms. 


Lorrie Goldstein

Thu, April 3, 2008
Kyoto supporters have no idea
It’s time for an adult discussion about our continued participation in the Kyoto Accord and it’s not the one we’ve been having.

Our politicians have been talking to us as if we were children. It’s time we put a stop to it.

Kyoto isn’t about turning off the lights during Earth Hour.

It’s not about buying hybrid cars, or installing solar panels on your roof or replacing your incandescent lightbulbs with fluorescents.

Those are all environmentally worthy activities on their own merits.


But they are insignificant compared to what is required for Canada to comply with Kyoto.

This isn’t about David Suzuki making cutesy commercials with children, while calling for politicians he disagrees with to be jailed.

It’s not about Liberal Leader Stephane Dion’s empty boast we can make megatonnes of money by cutting megatonnes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

It’s not about Prime Minister Stephen Harper paying lip service to Kyoto, while his actions suggest he doesn’t believe a word he’s saying.

It’s about this. Are you willing to dramatically lower your standard of living, and that of your children and grandchildren, to comply with Kyoto?

Are you willing to pay much more, directly in carbon taxes and indirectly for almost everything you do, use or consume, to effect a sudden, dramatic drop in Canada’s GHG emissions?


Are you willing to have Canada ship billions of dollars every year to the Third World for GHG mitigation projects, the success of which won’t be known until you’re dead?

Finally, if we do all that, do you trust every other country, from China to the United States, to do the same?

This isn’t about vilifying Alberta for developing the oilsands — just as every province wants to develop its natural resources.

It’s about realizing if we comply with Kyoto, our standard of living will fall.

It’s not going to be easy. People who suggest it is are making long-range predictions about our economy they cannot possibly know. What their studies actually suggest is that it’s easy to pretend to comply with Kyoto.

Finally, if you publicly nod your head in agreement when environmentalists preach we have no choice because the alternative is the Earth’s destruction — but privately don’t believe it, or don’t believe we should make enormous sacrifices now for something that may or may not happen decades or centuries from now — then get off the Kyoto train, because you won’t have the stomach for it once it really gets rolling.

My view is the previous Liberal government of Jean Chretien irresponsibly ratified Kyoto in 2002, at a time when even his top aide, Eddie Goldenberg, has since acknowledged the Liberals knew Canadians weren’t ready for the sacrifices it would require.


I’d go further. I’d argue Chretien and the Liberals had no idea what they were signing, no idea of its implications for a huge, cold, northern country like our own that relies on using fossil fuels for its standard of living.

For all their self-righteous rhetoric now, if implementing Kyoto was easy, why didn’t the Liberals do it when they had the chance?

As for Harper and the Conservatives, they should stop telling us they agree with Kyoto, while doing nothing to implement it.

The adult question is: Are we in, or are we out?

My vote’s out. What’s yours?

EU industry sees emissions rise

April 2, 2008
There are only two ways to lower C02 emissions. Build nuclear or shut down heavy industry.
I predict that both will happen. Because China and India are not subject to Kyoto and they have low labour costs, you will see heavy industry move to those countries. The EU will be forced to build nuclear or pay high carbon emission taxes. All the wind farms and solar panels in the world will not power heavy industry. You can wish and hope all you want but in the final analysis it takes ‘real power’ to run heavy industry.


EU industry sees emissions rise

By Mark Kinver
Science and nature reporter, BBC News


Power generation was the only sector to exceed its emissions limit

Carbon dioxide emissions from Europe’s heavy industry sectors rose by 1.1% in 2007, say carbon market analysts.

The estimate is based on initial data from the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), which includes more than 10,000 large industrial plants.

Environmentalists say it shows that the scheme, the EU’s main mechanism to meet its Kyoto target, is not working.

But market watchers say the ETS, in the long term, will help deliver the EU goal of cutting emissions by 20%.

“The main thing we have seen from the data released today, although incomplete, is that emissions are up from 2006 to 2007 by about 1.1%,” explained Henrik Hasselknipp, senior analyst for Point Carbon, a research company.

He added that initial analysis of the data also showed that only a few countries’ emissions had exceeded their national limit.

Get the level of cap wrong and, as we saw in Phase One of the ETS, the carbon price could drop to very low, potentially unworkable, levels
Robert Casamento,
Ernst & Young

Most notable was the UK, he said, which went over its allocation by about 85m tonnes for the three-year period between 2005 and 2007.

He suggested that power generators in the UK, Italy and Spain were the only sectors that had exceeded their allowances.

From the BBC

Mind Maps – A Form of Child Porn?

April 1, 2008

This is one of the most disturbing things I have seen on the internet. No it’s not child porn, as you understand it, but it is just as frightening. It’s what is being taught to the children in schools. It is the willful manipulation of the minds of children. It is, for all intents and purposes, child porn of the mind. They are being Gorified. They are being taught to believe without question a platform put forth by Gore, Suzuki, WWF, Friends of the Earth, The UN and every other organization pushing the fraud of New World Order under the guise of Global Warming. This scares the hell out of me. If you are a parent you better take a close look at what is being fed to your children.  The State wants complete access to minds of the young.

This is State sponsored child abuse

click on the maps for full size


Mind maps

Below are various mind maps created by Sharon Genovese about global warming and issues related to it (e.g. population). For further information relating to each mindmap you can download the ebook Global Warming: A Mindmapper’s Guide to the Science and Solution by clicking here. If you would also like to learn how to mind map, click here.small-globwarmMind map 1: Combating global warming


Mind map 2: The science of global warming

small impacts

Mind map 3: Impacts of global warming


Mind map 4: Population and the planet


Mind map 5: Population solutions


Mind map 6: Special interest groups

small gov

Mind map 7: The government


Mind map 8: You’re not alone


Mind map 9: Strategies to help behavioural change

goal setting

Mind map 10: Goal setting for a liveable planet

Found at

Wind farm raises health concerns

March 28, 2008

research has suggested that those effects don’t cause long-term health impacts after people are no longer living near wind farms”.

Health Canada has never done a study of the health affects of wind turbines on the health of the people. I’ve asked, as have many others, both the Provincial and Federal Health Ministries why there hasn’t been a health study conducted. Now we know.

They already know industrial wind turbines are being placed too close to people and they know they have negative affects. Once you have been run off your property, the ill affects you experienced living next to a 400 ft. high wind turbine will disappear. Using their logic, there is no need for a health study.

Daniel d’entremont and his family were forced from their home. The good news is their health is slowly returning to normal. They can’t live in their home any longer, but who cares about a home when you have your health.

Your government doesn’t give a damn, it’s that simple.


Wind farm raises health concerns; No long-term effect, says Kingston doctor

Posted By Jennifer Pritchett

Kingston’s public health department will lobby government for more research into the health effects of wind turbines.

Dr. Ian Gemmill, Kingston’s medical officer of health, says there hasn’t been enough monitoring done to determine whether they’re harmful.

Gemmill made the declaration at a board of health meeting this week in response to residents who live near the proposed site of a wind farm to be built on Wolfe Island.

The citizens had asked public health to assess the health risks associated with the turbines, but based on the information that is available, Gemmill said, there is nothing to indicate that wind turbines have any long-term effect on people’s health.

“We haven’t got a lot of evidence to go on right now,” said Gemmill. Gemmill said that though there are concerns about low-level noise, appearance and stress caused by the turbines, research has suggested that those effects don’t cause long-term health impacts after people are no longer living near wind farms.

As well, much of the research that is available, he said, doesn’t appear to come from reputable sources.

“Our conclusion is that while there may be some short-term concerns, this will not have a long-term health effect,” said Gemmill.

Board member Vicki Schmolka told the board that she wasn’t sure that she agreed with Gemmill’s conclusion. She indicated that she felt there are health concerns associated with the turbines that the board should investigate further.

“Seems to me what we’re really saying is that this person needs to move away and they’ll be OK,” she said.

Schmolka, who is also a city councillor, asked Gemmill if he was comfortable saying that there were definitively no long-term health effects from wind turbines.

“I’m saying it’s reversible,” he responded. “I know that people are bothered by this, but the question here is when do we become involved.”

thewhigJennifer Pritchett

 The Studies are out there but the govt, refuses to acknowledge them.

Frey & Hadden, Wind turbines and health

Wind turbine noise affects health

Earth Hour March 29 2008

March 27, 2008

Behind the Gore Barrick Link: Maurice Strong and the 1001 Club

Behind the Gore Barrick Link: Maurice Strong and the 1001 Club

APRIL 13, (LPAC)–Although Al Gore has cancelled the Barrick Gold-sponsorship of his speaking engagement in Chile, as the result of a building, LPAC-triggered scandal over Barrick’s ties to the genocide in the Great Lakes region of Africa in 1994, the former Vice President’s ties to the Canadian firm run a whole lot deeper than one overpriced speech. Although former President George H.W. Bush and former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney are both Barrick board members, the company was founded and is, to this day, run by Peter Munk, a Canadian businessman who also happens to be a protege of Gore’s own mentor Maurice Strong. The Canadian-born Strong is a righthand man to Prince Philip at the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF), and is also a pivotal figure in the shadowy WWF funding front, the 1001 Club. 1001 Club was a joint venture of Prince Philip and the late “Nazi Prince” Bernhard of the Netherlands, who launched the private, by-invitation-only Club in the late 1960s to bankroll the worldwide green offensive. At any given time 1001 prominent, wealthy individuals are members in the Club, and they each pay a $10,000 admission fee and annual dues, providing WWF with a revolving $10 million private operating fund. When the 1001 Club was first put together, Maurice Strong helped hand pick the members, and personally vetted all of the Canadian members–including Barrick Gold’s Peter Munk.

Strong has been linked with Gore in a string of shady “green” business ventures, including Molten Metal, a Massachusetts firm that claimed to have invented a sewage treatment system. The company milked the Federal government out of tens of millions of dollars, the patented system proved to be a dud, and Strong, along with Al Gore’s one-time chief of staff and current business partner at the Generation hedge fund in London, Peter Knight, sold off their company shares at a handsome profit based on inside information, just before the stock and the company tanked.


Earth Hour Scam – World Wild Life Fund Scam?

Minutes count when saving Earth

March 27, 2008

Show the world you still have a working brain. On March the 29th


Lorrie Goldstein

Thu, March 27, 2008
Minutes count when saving Earth


This Saturday, March 29, starting at 8 p.m., 24 “global cities,” including Toronto, will be participating in “Earth Hour.” The aim is to encourage people to turn their lights off for an hour to promote awareness of man-made global warming.HERE IS MY ITINERARY:

8:00 p.m. — Turn off lights before leaving house — naked — mindful of George Monbiot’s warning in Heat: How to Stop the Planet From Burning, that the campaign against global warming is a campaign in favour of austerity. In this light, I have decided to give up clothes, the manufacture of which is a major source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

8:01 p.m. — Hug tree.

8:02 p.m. — Lecture next-door neighbour about his stupid idea of holding community barbecue to celebrate Earth Hour, noting burning charcoal, propane and natural gas to heat barbecues emits GHG. Angrily ask neighbour why he is cooking chicken and hamburger, given that meat production is a major source of GHG. Demand neighbour serve chicken and hamburger to guests raw, noting food poisoning is a small price to pay for preventing cataclysmic climate change and making the world safe for Al Gore.


8:05 p.m. — Run screaming from climate denier neighbour chasing me with spatula yelling “you !@$%$#$ idiot, get off my property!!!!”

8:10 p.m. — Hastily enter car, using keys strategically hidden for this purpose in hair. Drive to Hwy. 401 entrance ramp, refusing to turn on headlights in tribute to Earth Hour, ignoring frantic warnings by climate denier fellow motorists that my headlights are off.

8:15 p.m. — Travelling at 100 clicks per hour in centre lane of Hwy. 401, with no headlights, turn engine off in order to coast to stop, making important symbolic statement about car travel being a major contributor to global warming.

8:20 p.m. — Drive quickly away from 35-vehicle crash immediately behind me, caused by climate denier motorists foolishly driving on highway at speed limit with headlights on, attempting to avoid my stopped vehicle in centre lane with headlights off.

8:25 p.m. — Contact David Suzuki Foundation by cell phone, challenging them “to put a lot of effort into trying to see whether there’s a legal way of throwing into jail” so-called environmentalists who self-righteously lecture everyone else about reducing their carbon footprint, while having fathered five children in two marriages, perhaps because they missed the Environment 101 class in university about Zero Population Growth.

8:30 p.m. — Contact Nanticoke coal-fired electricity-generating station by cell phone, pretending to be Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, demanding to know why GHG and pollution-spewing plant hasn’t been shut down as I promised voters in 2003. Challenged by switchboard operator to provide proof I really am Dalton McGuinty, I promise not to raise her taxes.

8:35 p.m. — Attempt to evade capture by climate denier Ontario Provincial Police officers chasing me down highway in cruisers, after climate denier Nanticoke switchboard operator contacts them complaining about some lunatic pretending to be the premier of Ontario.

8:40 p.m. — Place call to family from holding cell at OPP headquarters, asking them to come down and bail me out on numerous charges. Also ask them to bring clothes.

8:50 p.m. — Lecture climate denier OPP sergeant while leaving station that he should replace incandescent light bulbs in holding cell with fluorescent lighting to save planet.

9:00 p.m. — Return home. Take prescribed sedative. Go to bed.

Toronto Sun

Show the world you still have a working brain. On March the 29th