Archive for April, 2008

Turbines Meet Ontario Noise Guidlines

April 30, 2008

.Dust-up over wind farms

Source the Toronto Sun

Report: Noise from turbines meet guidelines


There’s no scientific proof wind turbines make disturbing levels of noise and, although more study is needed, Ontario’s guidelines are sound, a long-awaited consultant’s report for the ministry of the environment says.

The report by Ryerson prof Dr. Ramani Ramakrishnan was finished in December 2007 but was only posted on the government’s Environmental Registry website on Monday.

It reviews the work of a Dutch scientist, Dr. G.P. Van Den Berg, who found that 98-metre tall turbines at a German wind farm near the Dutch border made more — and more annoying — noise at night than expected. The report has been heralded by groups opposing wind farm projects near their homes.

“(Van Den Berg’s) dissertation was to provide scientific evidence for increased annoyance from wind farms during evening and night time hours,” Ramakrishnan wrote. “The review showed the above was not the case.

“One of the main criticisms of the doctoral dissertation of Van Den Berg is that the conjectures of his research have not been supported by solid scientific data.”

The Dutch study should be used as a catalyst for further work, though, Ramakrishnan said.

Holland has accepted the findings of Dr. G.P. Van Den Berg.

Hiring someone to trash Dr. G.P. Van Den Berg to further the wind scourge, shows the lack of integrity of both the govt. and the wind industry.

I experienced the Dr. G.P. Van Den Berg theory personally at the Kingsbridge l wind farm. It was early Oct of last year. I returned to the home of Ernie Marshall, after attending an all candidates meeting, to pick up my car. Beautiful fall evening, no wind at ground level but the wind at hub height was still strong enough to turn the turbine blades. How loud was the noise? Throw a pair of work boots in the dryer and turn it on. Go get your pillow, curl up beside the dryer. Sleep well. That in essence is the findings of Dr. G.P. Van Den Berg. (added) RS

Mr. Marshall and his wife have since moved out of their home. Mr. Marshall says his health is getting better and he and his wife now enjoy uninterrupted sleep at night. (added) RS

His report also found Ontario’s noise guidelines for wind turbines are reasonable and strike a balance “between noise impact and the need for wind farms, based on currently available scientific data.”

What the hell does that statement mean. Noise impact! The wind industry is promoted as whisper quiet. The need for wind farms? What need? The only thing that wind farms can hope to offer the people of Ontario is an unstable, unnecessarily expensive electrical system. (added) RS

Kate Jordan, a spokesman for the ministry of environment, said the report, held back from December, was being posted on the Environmental Registry for 30 days to allow the public to comment on it. “We wanted to make sure it was the final report. We needed to know it was complete,” Jordan said of the late release.

The report has found what the industry has believed for some time, Sean Whittaker, vice-president of policy for the Canadian Wind Energy Association, said.

“The report does confirm that the findings of Van Den Berg are put into question,” Whittaker said.

“CANWEA has been confident that the noise guidelines we have here in Ontario are very good.”

Ontario has about 500 megawatts of Canada’s 1,856 megawatts of wind power. CANWEA wind projects could rise to as much as 4,600 by 2020.

Ron Mattmer, who lives a kilometre from a proposed wind development in Kincardine, says he supports wind power but is opposed to locating them so close to homes.

He said the ministry is “in denial” about Van Den Berg’s noise findings and have “jiggered” their own limits to ease development.

Source the Toronto Sun
Comment By Ron Stephens

“CANWEA has been confident that the noise guidelines we have here in Ontario are very good.”

They are confident because they were instrumental in the formation of those guidelines.

I remember Ford claiming the PINTO didn’t blow up. Big Pharma is always getting the FDA to pass drugs that end up hurting or killing people.

Industry policing its self, with govt. pushing the bull down the taxpayers throat. Neo-Liberalism at it’s worst. Never underestimate the power of denial, especially when govt. is on the side of industry.

Here is an email I just received the other day.

Maybe the wind industry or the govt. could comment .

I live 808m from a Enercon 82 wind turbine and within a km. of 11 other turbines at the Ripley Suncor/Acceon wind project. My health and the health of my neighbours has deteriorated over the past 5 months. We hear a constant roaring of jets 24/7 and at night when the house is quiet there is a CONSTANT HUMMING which going right through your head no matter what you try to do occurs. We have had many meetings but the humming still goes on and we are still waken 2-??? times/night. We do NOT get a deep sleep.

But of course this person must be complaining because 1- they like to complain 2- they didn’t make any money on the deal 3- they must be crazy 4- they work for or are being paid by the fossil fuel industry 5- they hate Mother Earth.

This govt. and the wind industry are so full of crap it is ridiculous. This scam is no different than the door to door reno scams. Promise a lot and never let the truth get in the way.

The wind industry and the govt., here in Ontario, claimed they could greatly reduce emissions. Lets see the peer reviewed results. Why aren’t the papers full of the results the wind industry claims? They don’t exist, not through my research. If they do, lets see them.

Bird and Bat kills too small to worry about. Then why the deal to hide the results from the public.

Noise – the turbines are whisper quiet, about as much noise as your fridge they said. Then why are people being forced from their homes.

A doctor from Kingston stated that the health problems created by wind turbines are only temporary and a persons health will return once they no longer live near the turbines. If that doesn’t sound the alarm bells what will?

This is a CRIME against the citizens of the Province of Ontario.

Explain this CanWEA and the McGuinty govt. of Shame

Reaction to the Scottish Government’s refusal to construct one of Europe’s largest onshore wind farms, 181 turbines on Lewis in the Western Isles , has exposed the myth of wind power.

In response to Scottish industry’s concerns that its lights may go out, Britain’s power industry had to admit it would not make one iota of difference as wind power is too unstable to be included in any calculations of how much power is needed to satisfy the country’s needs – whether or not the wind is blowing our power stations will still burn the same amount of fossil fuel.

A spinning turbine’s only value, for the environmentalists, is as an icon of their power over the vulnerable and as an “at least we are doing something” comfort blanket for gullible politicians, plus, of course, an exponential currency generator for the wind industry. full article here

Never forget – Enron started the wind scam. Enron is gone but the scam lives on. Google Enron, Maurice Strong and Al Gore. Maybe that will open your eyes.

The govt. should have put the scrubbers on the coal plants and built a new nuke. Cost approx. 10 billion. Cost for wind, solar, gas plants, new transmission lines and a new nuke, 60-70 billion. Think what that extra money could have done for Health Care, Education and our Farmers

Read Agenda 21. It’s about a lot more than just the wind industry.

Note: I, unlike Mr. Mattmer, do not support wind power as presented.

“Ron Mattmer, who lives a kilometer from a proposed wind development in Kincardine, says he supports wind power but is opposed to locating them so close to homes.” (found in Toronto Sun article above)

I do however, support Mr. Mattmer, and all the other people in Ontario who have worked so tirelessly to expose the truth. Please join us in the fight for truth and Democracy.

If the govt. is serious about the environment they would be putting the money into grants to retrofit homes and encourage home solar and wind. This would reduce the need for new generation and save money in the process. After all, it’s your tax dollars subsidizing the wind industry of which the only “benefit ” to you will be higher electrical costs.
The wind industry on the other hand will make a fortune.

I think it is time for an open televised debate – maybe on TVO. I, and many others, including engineers, are available, and look forward to such a debate. The govt. and the wind industry debating with citizens of Ontario. Sounds like democracy to me.

What is going on now is about as anti-democratic as it gets.

Councils are told to pass the wind farms or they will be taken to an OMB hearing at a cost of approx. $100,000. and they are told they will lose, and God forbid-they will look anti-green. Did I mention the “GREENS” are pagan based and anti-Christian. Ever wonder why Mr. McGuitny wants to remove the Lords prayer from the Legislature?

Kingsbridge l has been a source of noise, flicker and stray voltage complaints for the two years it has been operating. People and animals suffer up to a kilometer away, yet no health study. The setback for Kingsbridge ll 450 meters.


Turn off the TV, put down the newspapers and do your own research. Get the family involved. Think often and think critically.

Democracy is not a right. When a democracy is not guarded, protected and demanded by its citizens it will be lost. That day is getting very close.


Ron Stephens ran as an Independent candidate for Huron-Bruce in support of those suffering from wind turbine nuisance and he continues to fight for their rights.

Once again, I ask both the govt. and the wind industry to look over this blog and if you find something you can prove is not correct let me know and the appropriate corrections will be made.

Update- Fri. May 1st – 9:30 am
Someone from the govt. of Ont. and Suncor have read this post. Site Tracker stats

The Global Warming Fraud and the Evil Behind It

April 30, 2008

The reason for this video is to point out a few things I think many well intentioned enviro groupies don’t understand.

.1- The UN is the most evil group on the planet – Hitler would be proud.
Who created the present food crisis? The UN. They knew exactly what they were doing promoting biofuels. They also know global warming is not real.

2- Global warming is a complete and total fraud.

3- While you are busy worrying about about plastic bags, the UN has a larger Agenda.

4-If you are of the Christian Faith pay special attention to the Gore Quote.

I have been environmentally prudent longer than most of you have been alive. So, please don’t bother with the – you’re sponsored by the fossil fuel industry crap, I’m not.

Turn off you TV and do some research. It’s still legal to think for yourself-at least for the time being.

Sustainability is not what you think it is.

This is only my second video so go easy.



Ontario Wind Farms – Dalton McGuinty

April 26, 2008

Mr. McGuinty, you are allowing the UN to set our energy policy. Your wind farms have forced people from their homes, and threaten many more.

If you are stupid enough to think that wind will power this province – you are too stupid to be leader of this province. Health – Education – Agriculture and the manufacturing sector are all suffering. But then that’s the plan under Agenda 21.

Mr. McGuinty you are a Disgrace and a Traitor

Watch as Dalton powers his press conference with wind energy


Europeans switching back to coal

April 24, 2008

I want to thank Don McPhee, who is fighting wind farms in Chatham-Kent, Ontario, for directing me to this information.

I was aware, Germany – with the most wind turbines – was going to build 26 new coal plants, but now it looks like Europe as a whole is jumping back on the fossil fuel bandwagon. Why? It works.

What the environmentalists can’t seem to wrap their little – and I mean little – minds around are two simple facts.

1- Global warming is a complete fraud.

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea
(try and understand the meaning of those words)that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill …
All these dangers are caused by human intervention
and it is only through changed attitudes and
behaviour that they can be overcome.
The real enemy, then, is humanity itself
Club of Rome,
The First Global Revolution,
consultants to the UN.

Global warming caused by C02 is a scam concocted by the UN. Read Agenda 21.

2- Wind energy is a complete fraud.

Reaction to the Scottish Government’s refusal to construct one of Europe’s largest onshore wind farms, 181 turbines on Lewis in the Western Isles (your report, 22 April), has exposed the myth of wind power.

In response to Scottish industry’s concerns that its lights may go out, Britain’s power industry had to admit it would not make one iota of difference as wind power is too unstable to be included in any calculations of how much power is needed to satisfy the country’s needs – whether or not the wind is blowing our power stations will still burn the same amount of fossil fuel. full article here


The inside of the dome of Enel’s coal plant in Civitavecchia, Italy.
(Marco Di Lauro for The New York Times)

[Enlarge this image]


Europeans switching back to coal

CIVITAVECCHIA, Italy: At a time when the world’s top climate experts agree that carbon emissions must be rapidly reduced to hold down global warming, a leading Italian electricity producer, Enel, is converting its massive power plant here from oil to coal, the dirtiest fuel on earth.

Over the next five years, Italy will increase its reliance on coal to 33 percent from 14 percent. Power generated by Enel from coal will rise to 50 percent. And Italy is not alone in its return to coal.

Driven by rising demand, record high oil and natural gas prices, concerns over energy security and an aversion to nuclear energy, European countries are slated to build about 50 coal-fired plants over the next five years, plants that will be in use for the next five decades.

The fast-expanding developing economies of India and China, where coal remains a major fuel source for more than two billion people, have long been regarded as one of the biggest challenges to reducing carbon emissions.

But the return now to coal even in eco-conscious Europe is sowing real alarm among environmentalists who warn that it is setting the world on a disastrous trajectory that will make controlling global warming impossible.
Full article at Herald Tribune

Decision to block Lewis turbines project – The Wind Industry, as Promoted, is a Fraud

April 23, 2008


The wind industry, as promoted, is a fraud.

The McGuinty govt. is guilty of pushing the fraud and in the process, knowingly putting the health of individuals and their property at risk. This is a crime.

The McGuinty govt. is guilty of fraud – on a grandiose scale – against the citizens of Ontario. There really is no other way to say it. They have allowed the wind industry to run over the rights of the very citizens they are charged to protect. Read Agenda 21.

They have put the health of people at risk – allowing the placement of wind turbines too close to homes.

They have put the economy at risk – unnecessary increases to the cost of electricity.

They have put individual investment at risk – value of property.

They have lied to the public about wind energy – inferring wind will significantly cut CO2 emissions.

They have refused to put the scrubbers on the coal plants – unnecessarily putting peoples health at risk.

Mr.McGuinty cannot defend his decision to allow the bastardization of this province based on groundless propaganda.

Mr. McGuinty you are guilty of putting the economy of the Province at risk by, knowingly and unnecessarily, pushing up the cost of electricity.

Mr. McGuinty your are guilty of pushing biofuels, which increase C02 emissions and unnecessarily increase the cost of food – another part of the UN Agenda – depopulation. Read Agenda 21.

Mr. McGunity, you are guilty of allowing the brainwashing of the children in our schools, another part of the “Sustainability UN Agenda”. Read Agenda 21

Mr. McGuinty you are guilty of allowing the spraying of chemicals, known as Chemtrails, on the people and their property. Another UN initiative.

Mr. McGuinty, you are guilty of putting the wants of Maurice Strong and the UN Agenda ahead of the citizens of the Province of Ontario.

Mr McGuity, You are guilty of TREASON against the people and the Province of Ontario.

Mr. McGuinty, pull your head out of the ass of the UN  for a moment and make an  attempt to wrap your mind around the information below. Show the people of Ontario that you are more than a puppet of the UN and Agenda 21.

Mr. McGuinty it is time to explain yourself to the people of the Province of Ontario.

Mr. McGuinty, if you, or you govt. can prove any of the above statements are untrue, they will be corrected. Until then, these statements will stand.


WE, the people, await your response.


Decision to block Lewis turbines project has revealed the myth of wind power

Reaction to the Scottish Government’s refusal to construct one of Europe’s largest onshore wind farms, 181 turbines on Lewis in the Western Isles (your report, 22 April), has exposed the myth of wind power.

In response to Scottish industry’s concerns that its lights may go out, Britain’s power industry had to admit it would not make one iota of difference as wind power is too unstable to be included in any calculations of how much power is needed to satisfy the country’s needs – whether or not the wind is blowing our power stations will still burn the same amount of fossil fuel.

A spinning turbine’s only value, for the environmentalists, is as an icon of their power over the vulnerable and as an “at least we are doing something” comfort blanket for gullible politicians, plus, of course, an exponential currency generator for the wind industry.


Bryn Gwyn

Abergele, Conwy


With Scottish ministers having rejected Lewis Wind Power’s proposal to build a massive 181-turbine wind farm on the Isle of Lewis, the renewables industry can now be seen for what it truly is: not a saviour of the planet, but an environmental vandal driven by financial greed.

Lewis Wind Power and the few supporters it was able to persuade to come on side for this ill-conceived proposal, which included the Western Isles Council, will no doubt continue to see the Scottish Government’s decision as a “huge missed opportunity” for Scotland. However, I suspect the many thousands who objected will see the decision to reject in a far more sensible and less blinkered light.


Tulchan Garden

Glenalmond, Perthshire


Perhaps PhD student Richard Crozier (Letters, 21 April) should read the Sustainable Development Commission’s Windpower in the UK, for it states that at wind farm installations of 20 per cent, fossil power station back-up of 80 per cent is required and that at greater proportions even more back-up is required. This sort of defeats the purpose doesn’t it?

Power stations cannot be adjusted to suit variable wind generation and without this back-up there would be no reliable supply of electricity.

Can you imagine running an electric train service on wind power? Tear up the timetables.





The Scotsman

23 April 2008

Earth Day 2008

April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!

To all you people celebrating Earth Day – enjoy the day. Now open your eyes and understand who you are following. Your leaders are Psychopaths.

There is no other way to describe them. Understand the real meaning of sustainability.

Biofuels = the burning of food = starvation for millions.

Global warming is a complete fraud used to scare the sheep. Don’t be one.

I don’t want to come across as being rude but – if you truly believe and want to follow these madmen, then you must be ready to sacrifice yourself so they can realize their dreams. Are you prepared to die for their beliefs?

This is not fun and games, this is the reality of the situation. By all means do what you can to keep your nest clean, but you must also fight against the Tyranny that is about to befall mankind. Read Agenda 21 now

Happy Earth Day!


The big threat to the planet is people: there are too many,
doing too well economically and burning too much oil.

Sir James Lovelock,
BBC Interview (2002)


My three main goals would be to reduce human population to
about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure
and see wilderness, with it’s full complement of species,
returning throughout the world
Dave Foreman,
Earth First! co-founder


“… current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the
affluent middle class – involving high meat intake,
use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning,
and suburban housing – are not sustainable.
A shift is necessary which will require a vast strengthening
of the multilateral system, including the United Nations
Maurice Strong,
opening speech of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit


All these dangers are caused by human intervention
and it is only through changed attitudes and
behaviour that they can be overcome.
The real enemy, then, is humanity itself
Club of Rome,
The First Global Revolution


Mankind is the most dangerous, destructive, selfish
and unethical animal on the earth
Michael Fox,
vice-president of The Humane Society

Humans on the Earth behave in some ways like a
pathogenic micro-organism, or like the cells of a tumo
Sir James Lovelock,
Healing Gaia


The Earth has cancer
and the cancer is Man
Club of Rome,
Mankind at the Turning Point


A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells;
the population explosion is an uncontrolled multiplication of people.
We must shift our efforts from the treatment of the symptoms to
the cutting out of the cancer. The operation will demand many
apparently brutal and heartless decisions
Prof Paul Ehrlich,
The Population Bomb


I don’t claim to have any special interest in natural history,
but as a boy I was made aware of the annual fluctuations in
the number of game animals and the need to adjust
the cull to the size of the surplus population
Prince Philip,
preface of Down to Earth


A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society
at the present North American material standard of living
would be 1 billion. At the more frugal European standard
of living, 2 to 3 billion would be possible
United Nations,
Global Biodiversity Assessment

A total population of 250-300 million people,
a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal
Ted Turner,
founder of CNN and major UN donor

“… the resultant ideal sustainable population is hence
more than 500 million but less than one billion

Club of Rome,
Goals for Mankind


One America burdens the earth much more than
twenty Bangladeshes. This is a terrible thing to say.
In order to stabilize world population,we must eliminate
350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say,
but it’s just as bad not to say it
Jacques Cousteau,
UNESCO Courier (1991)


If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth
as a killer virus to lower human population levels
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh,
patron of the World Wildlife Fund


I suspect that eradicating small pox was wrong.
It played an important part in balancing ecosystems
John Davis, editor of Earth First! Journal


The extinction of the human species may not
only be inevitable but a good thing
Christopher Manes, Earth First!


Childbearing should be a punishable crime against
society, unless the parents hold a government license.
All potential parents should be required to use
contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing
antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing
David Brower,
first Executive Director of the Sierra Club

Agenda 21

Agenda 21

Agenda 21

Agenda 21

Agenda 21

Agenda 21

Agenda 21

Read Agenda 21

Chemtrails Ontario Canada

April 21, 2008

Made this video of chemtrails over Kincardine. Proving once again that your Govt. doesn’t give a rats ass about you or your family.

Wind Farms and Chemtrails – Welcome to Kincardine

April 17, 2008

Kincardine Ontario is being surrounded by wind farms. Now we are being sprayed by chemicals. Are the people of this province ever going to wake up.

The sky was a perfect blue early this morning, then the planes came.

They sprayed most of the day, and the blue sky turned into a sick looking milky colour.

Take a look at the pics and then google chemtrails.

Make sure you read Agenda 21. There’s a link at the top of the blog.

click for larger view

chemrails Kincardine Ont.

Government of Ontario Drops By For A Visit

April 14, 2008

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the Govt. of Ontario for dropping by.

I sent my Blog to every Liberal govt. member some time ago, asking they look over the information and if they found anything they felt might be untrue or inaccurate to get back to me. Even though most opened the email, proved by receipts, no one responded. I therefore concluded they were satisfied the information on the blog was factual.

I got no response the last time, so I would like to extend the offer one more time.

We are doing our best to make sure the information presented on this Blog is accurate.

Once again, thanks for dropping by.

Domain Name ? (Canada)
IP Address 142.106.187.# (Government of the Province of Ontario)
ISP Government of the Province of Ontario
Continent : North America
Country : Canada (Facts)
State/Region : Ontario
City : Toronto
Lat/Long : 43.6667, -79.4167 (Map)
Distance : 281 miles
Language unknown
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Internet Explorer 6.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1)
Javascript disabled
Time of Visit Apr 14 2008 12:17:02 pm
Last Page View Apr 14 2008 12:47:54 pm
Visit Length 30 minutes 52 seconds
Page Views 9
Referring URL unknown
Visit Entry Page http://windfarms.wor…environment-ontario/
Visit Exit Page http://windfarms.wor…appeal-wolfe-island/

Letter to Mr. John Gerretsen, M.P – Minister of the Environment – Ontario

April 13, 2008

By Ron Stephens
Independent candidate for Grey – Bruce

The letter below is from Hugh Christopher Brown of Wolfe Island, Ontario.

He, like many others in this province, is frustrated with the Minister of Environment. From the office of Premier McGuinty to the office of your local MPP, the government has shown absolute disrespect for the citizens of this province.

From the dismantling of Ont. Hydro by Maurice Strong, the father of Kyoto, to the present day, our electrical system has been guided, not by those who understand our electrical systems and the needs of the province, but by the E8, another Maurice Strong product, and Agenda 21 from the UN.

Our electrical system has been sold off, and the citizens and manufacturing sector are being fed to the wolves.

It would not matter which party is in power. They have all bought into the idea of rule by the UN. Sustainability they like to call it. Sustainability means giving up our rights and freedoms to an outside entity.

Treason, if you will.

Every political party in this province will push wind farms to appease the “Green Movement”. Why? Because they are gutless traitors.

The govt. cannot present a case to defend their actions, because other than Green rhetoric, there is no case.

Nowhere in the world has wind energy proven it’s worth. The Danes are fighting against wind farms in Denmark, birthplace of modern day wind energy.

Germany, home to more wind power than any other country is building 26 coal plants. Why? Wind is not doing the job, nor will it ever.

Denmark saw wind as a clean alternative. It is a very small country of 5 million, yet it is heavily dependent on it’s neighbours for it’s power.

Enron discovered they could make a lot of money and gain control of large portions of the American grid by jumping on the “Global Warming” wagon.

Clinton, Gore and Maurice Strong were all involved in helping Enron.

Through subsidies and tax benefits, combined with their natural gas interests, there was billions to be made.

Nothing has changed. The wind industry of today is the ghost of Enron reborn, and it’s just as evil.

Don’t take my word, do your own research.

Please support the people of Wolfe Island and the many other communities threatened by wind farms by sending your thoughts to the Minister of the Environment.


April 12, 2008

Mr. John Gerretsen, M.P

Minister of the Environment

135 St. Clair Ave W., 15th Floor

Toronto, Ontario

M4V 1P5
Dear Mr. Gerretsen:
I am in absolute disbelief that an individual Environmental

Assessment has been denied for this project.

CREC has obliged itself to deliver a wind plant with nameplate

capacity of 197.8 megawatts, to be operational by October 2008.
In a letter to Shelia Allen, dated January 4 2008, Ontario Projects

Manager Geoff Carnegie refers to financial penalties to be imposed by

the OPA should CREC fail to deliver on this obligation.
In the same letter, Mr Carnegie also comments on the economic

“non-viability” of turbine deactivation or removal, and allows that

CREC will counter adverse effects only by employing “commercially

reasonable” efforts.
So Mr. Gerretsen, am I to understand that a private energy company is

taking money to fulfill a production quota, self site a power plant,

and now declares itself immune to accountability on financial basis?
I do not need to go into great detail about the social and

environmental uniqueness of Wolfe Island. You have been well furnished

with documents to that effect. You know that this island sits at the

head of the biggest estuary on the planet, is on the flight path of a

significant number of migratory species, and is the nesting site for

many endangered species. You also know as a CLASS IV IBA, Wolfe Island

would not even qualify for this development were the proposal made

You are also well aware that not a single turbine has been moved in

response to the

many recommendations of Environment Canada, Ministry of Natural Resources,

Ducks Unlimited and the Kingston Field Naturalists. So what exactly is

going on?
You have attended a conciliatory BBQ with optioned landowners and

told concerned citizens that you “like the look of windmills”.
You are the Minister of The Environment, and you demand nothing more

of corporations than they self regulate their practices as much as is

‘commercially reasonable’ ?
I am well aware of the political risks of criticising wind energy. I

also know that if these projects are done recklessly, it jeopardizes

the future of wind development in our country.
You need look no further than our divided community, or the price of

real estate Melanthon to see where a lack of policy is getting us.

Does your party want to go down as the builders of sustainability,

viable public infrastructure, or the contractors of political

expedience? To choose the later risks not only your legacy, but as I

stated, that of the industry itself.
I like the look of windmills too. I like the clusters of 4-5 you

see outside of Danish villages, or the 20 in Copenhagen’s harbour.

Denmark is the leader in renewable energy, has decades of experience

in wind harnessing, uses minimum setbacks of two kilometres, and

practices the environmentally meaningful method of energy production:

‘use at source’. This is not the paradigm being followed here.
Our constituency is further insulted that we are left to the mercy

of absurd ‘post construction mitigation’, carried out at the

discretion of a company which has lied to us with promises of turbine

deactivation in the event of high avian mortality, noise, ice throw or

other perils. Mr Carnegie’s letter lets us know this form of

mitigation is actually an autopsy. Once our habitats are desecrated,

CREC proposes buying land elsewhere and “creating new sites with

desirable habitat features”. So much for good old conservation. I

would call this level of vanity ‘Biblical’.
If a bump-up is denied , we will take every political and legal

measure to bring this ill-informed green washing to light. As a

musician who travels the world, I have watched communities grow up

quickly in the face of political opportunists. I am no longer asked in

interviews what my problem with wind power is, but where is my

government in all this?
I would like to say that it is working with due diligence to secure

meaningful and sustainable practises. Today those are definitely not

the words I use. Give our island the respect of full environmental

assessment, and let us implement appropriate safeguards to protect the

environment and your constituents. Anything less implicates a

dedicated ignorance or ulterior motive.
Hugh Christopher Brown

Wolfe Island, Ontario

Lynn Moore, Chair

Wolfe Island Residents for the Environment

792 Fairfax Dr., Kingston, Ontario K7M 4V7
Dalton McGuinty, Premier

Legislative Building

Queen’s Park

Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A1
Mr. Robert W. Runciman

Room 436, Main Legislative Building

Toronto ON M7A 1A4
John Yakabuski

Official Opposition Energy Critic

Queen’s Park

Room 202, N.W., Legislative building

Toronto, Ontario M7A lA8
Ted Arnott

Tourism Critic PC

181 St. Andrew St E, 2nd Flr

Fergus ON N1M 1P9
Ms. Peggy Smith, Solicitor

160 Johnson St.,

Kingston, Ontario K7L 1Y1
Mr. John Tory, PC Leader,

Room 200, NW, Legislative Bldg,

Queen’s Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A lA8
Ms. Elizabeth May, Leader

Green Party of Canada

P.O. Box 997, Station B

Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5R1