Archive for the ‘Globalization’ Category

Deliberate Dumbing Down

October 13, 2009


This video is more evidence of Agenda 21/Our Common Future. UNESCO/UN has been in control of our education system for many years, slowly and consistently dumbing down students. Preparing them mentally to accept the NWO.

One of the main tools being used for this ‘dumbing down’  is Environmentalism/Communism.

This dumbing down is also happening in the workplace and the churches.

What is the real goal of the environment movement?

A reduction of world population by 80% and World government. Those that  remain will be reduced to slave status whose only purpose will be to serve the elite.


the true meaning of environmentalism

Welcome to reality!

Charlotte Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America’s classrooms.

Deliberate Dumbing Down

National Round Table – Agenda 21

July 21, 2009

Please take the time to read the bio’s of the members – half way down the page under members.
You cannot fight wind farms unless you understand the depth of the treason that has descended upon this country.

Emerging from the famous Brundtland Report, “Our Common Future”,1987 the NRTEE became a model for convening diverse and competing interests around one table to create consensus ideas and suggestions for sustainable development.

The Round Table will be providing leadership in the new way we must think of the relationship between the environment and the economy and the new way we must act.
Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, October 1988 Since its creation in 1988, concerns about climate change, air quality, and water availability have made Canadians and their governments increasingly aware of the need to reconcile economic and environmental challenges as they have become increasingly interlinked.

Excerpt from the 1993 NRTEE Act

The purpose of the Round Table is to play the role of catalyst in identifying, explaining and promoting, in all sectors of Canadian society and in all regions of Canada, principles and practices of sustainable development.

Video Report – What to Expect From Renewable Energy

May 15, 2009

The Ontario govt. has passed Bill 150/Green Energy Act. The act not only removes the rights of Municipal govt., it also puts the economy of Ont. in real jeopardy.

Al Gore Exposed by Congress Global Warming

May 4, 2009

Gore is and always has been a con man.  Google Al Gore and Enron or Al Gore and Maurice Strong.  The Liberal Party of Ontario is involved in the scam. Either that or McGuinty and his party  are completely stupid.

Either way, they must change direction or be brought to justice.

Watch Gore squirm in this C-Span video.

The Green Movement Comes Out of the Closet

February 2, 2009
The “Green Movement” comes out of the “Green Closet” – finally
The environmental movement, from it’s inception, was and is about the eugenics movement. They are one and the same. Until now hidden behind the idea of saving the earth. For most,  it’s been about cutting CO2. In reality it has always been about cutting the population.
Prince Philip’s principal collaborators in launching the WWF as a funding and worldwide operations arm of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, were Sir Julian Huxley and Max Nicholson, both ardent advocates of eugenics and racial purification. In fact, Huxley was president of the Eugenics Society when he co-founded the WWF. First, as head of the United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organization (Unesco), and later as a WWF founder, Huxley preached the need to revive race science and the urgent mission of “culling the human herd”–particularly of the darker-skinned races of Africa and South America. In the founding document of Unesco, Huxley had frankly acknowledged the difficulties he would encounter in reviving eugenics, in light of the Nazi genocide. “Even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible,” he wrote, “it will be important for Unesco to see that the … public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.”
John Feeney

Uncontrolled population growth threatens to undermine efforts to save the planet, warns John Feeney. In this week’s Green Room, he calls on the environmental movement to stop running scared of this controversial topic.

Our inability to live as we do, at our current numbers, without causing pervasive environmental degradation is the very definition of carrying capacity overshoot

It’s the great taboo of environmentalism: the size and growth of the human population.

It has a profound impact on all life on Earth, yet for decades it has been conspicuously absent from public debate.

Most natural scientists agree our growing numbers and our unchecked impact on the natural environment move us inexorably toward global calamities of unthinkable severity.

They agree the need to address population has become desperate.

Yet many environmentalists avoid the subject, a few objecting strongly to any focus on our numbers.

Some activists insist acting to influence population growth infringes on human rights; they maintain that it is best to leave the problem alone.

Let’s dispense with this confused notion right now.

From the BBC

Visit the links below for more truth about the “Green Movement”

Word of the Day – Eugenics

Man is the Enemy!

The Green Agenda

An Inconvenient Truth – The Reality!

January 24, 2009


I’d like to thank Norma, a reader from South Africa,  for sending this article.

When I started researching  wind farms, it didn’t take long to realize global warming was a fraud.

As the late George Carlin said – “what do they want? more for themselves and less for everyone else.” (video on sidebar)

That in a nut shell, wraps up the reality of the global warming hoax, and wind farms are directly tied to the hoax. (no global warming – no need for wind farms)

The question then becomes – Are we going to let our ”so-called” leaders  get away with the lies and the bull, that will in the end, destroy our countries.

Write or call your newspapers, radio and tv stations. Let them know you intend to stop using their services until such time as they quit hiding the truth, and start printing and broadcasting some reality.

Enough with the corporate/UN garbage.

America may have a new President but the game is still the same.


….There is a scientific consensus that the planet is warming ever so slightly. However, another inconvenient truth is that only 13% of the scientists—most of whom are funded by the oil industry, the environmentalists, or far left think tanks who believe global warming can be blamed on Republicans—believe that man-generated global warming is occurring. Eighty-seven percent of the scientific community knows that global temperature departures—both plus and minus—are cyclic events that are not caused by men nor can they be stopped by men since the origin of the heating and cooling comes from the sun and its affect on the Gulf Stream. Another inconvenient truth is that, currently, the global temperature departure, measured by NASA, is -0.05 degrees—over the past 50 years.

And finally, the inconvenient truth is that global warming exists not because it is fact but because its the excuse conjured up by the barons of business, the titans of industry and the princes of banking to justify the transfer of wealth from the affluent industrial nations to the human capital-rich third world nations where tomorrow’s consumers reside. The inconvenient truth is that global warming is a very transparent sham designed by evil men to force, through punitive environmental regulations, the wholesale transfer of not just jobs but entire industries from the industrial nations to the human capital-rich emerging economies where tomorrow’s consumers need jobs today—our jobs….

….When the inconvenient truth of Gore‘s Kyoto Protocol—which Bill Clinton signed, obligating the United States to the terms of the UN Global Warming Treaty even though the US Senate refused to ratify it—became public, most Americans believed that the vast right wing conspiracy was misrepresenting the terms of the agreement. Not true. Under the terms of the UN Global Warming Treaty, 134 of the 185 member nations were exempt and had no greenhouse gas restrictions. That was important because global warming has never been about global warming. Global warming has always been an issue about how to transfer jobs from the United States to the third world without Congressmen and Senators being run out of office. The inconvenient truth is the environmentalist Congressmen and Senators certainly did not intend to lose their jobs as they honored the wishes of their constituency! Not you—the ones with the thick billfolds who fill their campaign coffers. Now, that’s an inconvenient truth. Especially in an election year. The inconvenient question is—what are you going to do about it?

For full article please see:

Word of the Day – Eugenics

January 21, 2009


I hope this helps you understand the WWF and the ‘green movement’ in general. The people and groups below fund and use NGO’s to convince you that ‘global warming’ is both real and a threat to the very survival of the human race. Global warming is neither real nor a threat.

Environmentalism  (for their purposes) has nothing to do with the environment and the sooner people understand this the better.

UNESCO has control of the education system which means these people have control of your child’s mind.

Are these the people your want to entrust your children to?

Meet the real threat to humanity!



Prince Philip’s principal collaborators in launching the WWF as a funding and worldwide operations arm of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, were Sir Julian Huxley and Max Nicholson, both ardent advocates of eugenics and racial purification. In fact, Huxley was president of the Eugenics Society when he co-founded the WWF. First, as head of the United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organization (Unesco), and later as a WWF founder, Huxley preached the need to revive race science and the urgent mission of “culling the human herd”–particularly of the darker-skinned races of Africa and South America. In the founding document of Unesco, Huxley had frankly acknowledged the difficulties he would encounter in reviving eugenics, in light of the Nazi genocide. “Even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible,” he wrote, “it will be important for Unesco to see that the … public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.”

The method Huxley and others devised for forcing people to “think the unthinkable,” was to replace the idea of eugenics with the idea of environmentalism. Huxley, Prince Philip, and the others, however, understood that, in their way of thinking, the two terms were interchangeable. During a 1960 tour of Africa, on the eve of the launching of the WWF, Huxley openly boasted that the ecology movement would be the principal weapon used by the British oligarchy to impose a Malthusian world order over the dead body of the nation-state system, and, most importantly, the United States.

It is no coincidence, in the context of Huxley’s remarks, that the man who helped found the Canadian branch of Prince Philip’s WWF, Maj. Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, would be implicated by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Bloomfield, the wartime liaison of the British Special Operations Executive (SOE) to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, ran the Montreal-based Permindex Corporation, the entity identified in the Garrison investigation as the hands-on controller of the Kennedy assassination plot.

The 1001 Club and Other Eco-Fascist Fronts

To further spread the work of the WWF, in 1970, Prince Philip teamed up with a former SS officer, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, already a prominent player in the WWF, to create a permanent funding mechanism for the growing number of ecology fronts being spawned, to scoop up the dregs of the late-1960s counterculture, and deploy them as the storm-troopers of the new “green” fascism. The 1001: A Nature Trust, known among its members as the “1001 Club,” was created as an adjunct to Prince Bernhard’s well-known Bilderberg Group, the Cold War-era secret society of leading North American and European oligarchical insiders–1,001 close personal associates of Prince Bernhard and Prince Philip were “invited” to join the 1001 Club at an initial fee of $10,000 per person.

The bulk of the members were drawn from the boards of directors of the leading Club of the Isles raw materials cartels, banks, insurance companies, and family trusts (the fondi). Typical of this caste were John Loudon, former CEO of Royal Dutch Shell and chairman of Shell Oil Co., who served from 1977 until his death as president of the WWF; Maurice Strong, head of the Canada-based Power Corporation, and one of the most important of the WWF operators; Baron Aubrey Buxton of Alsa, of Barclays Bank; Bertold Beitz, director of Alfred Krupp von Bohlen and Halbach Foundation; Conrad Black, chairman of Britain’s leading media cartel, the Hollinger Corporation; Peter Cadbury, of the George Cadbury Trust; Anton Rupert, of the South African Rembrandt tobacco interests; Sir Kenneth Kleinwort, owner of Kleinwort Benson, one of Britain’s oldest investment banks; and Henry Keswick, chairman of Jardine Matheson and brother of John Keswick, the chairman of Hambros Bank and a director of the Bank of England.

Maj. Louis Mortimer Bloomfield was a 1001 Club charter member, as were a number of notorious scoundrels, including swindler-bankers Robert Vesco and Edmond Safra.

By the time Princes Philip and Bernhard had assembled the $10 million war-chest, the first of the leading eco-fascist front groups and think-tanks had already been launched. In 1969, a Sierra Club official, David Ross Brower, founded Friends of the Earth, which, several years later, would help spawn such overtly terrorist groups as Greenpeace and Earth First!. The same year, WWF Chairman Sir Peter Scott launched Survival International, originally known as the Primitive Peoples Fund, which, three years later, spawned Cultural Survival.

In 1968, Aurelio Peccei, a former executive of Fiat (Fiat President Gianni Agnelli was a charter member of the 1001 Club), founded the Club of Rome, another by-invitation-only organization, to peddle a new, computer-age brand of Malthusianism. In 1970, with a grant from the Volkswagen Foundation, Peccei hired Massachusetts Institute of Technology computer whiz-kid Jay Forrester, and a team of his students, to prepare a report on the world population crisis, which was published several years later under the title Limits to Growth. Using a fraudulent concept of “carrying capacity” that completely ruled out human scientific discovery, Forrester and his students, Dennis and Donella Meadows, claimed that a combination of overpopulation and resource depletion would wreck the planet. The Club of Rome became not only a leading “establishment” lobby for every wacky environmental hoax; it launched the zero population growth movement, which has now devolved into a demand for drastic world population reduction–i.e., genocide.


Global Warming? No consensus on IPCC's level of ignorance

November 26, 2008

Editor: The IPCC was and is being used to push an agenda. Agenda 21.
How do I know Man Made Global Warming is a scam? All one has to do is open the mind and read a few passages.

Read the two quotes below. The first from the Club of Rome says they came up with the idea of global warming. The second shows the IPCC would make the science fit the idea.

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill …All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome.
The real enemy, then, is humanity itself

Club of Rome,
The First Global Revolution,
consultants to the UN.

“…we need to get some broad based support, to capture the public’s imagination…. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts…. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.
Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology
lead Author of many IPCC reports

More Mind Opening Green Agenda Quotes

Now lets take a trip back in time!

November 2nd, 1922. Arctic Ocean Getting Warm; Seals Vanish and Icebergs Melt.

Global Warming Video 1958

No consensus on IPCC’s level of ignorance

John Christy
By John Christy
Professor of Atmospheric Science, University of Alabama

As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) puts the finishing touches to its final report of the year, two of its senior scientists look at what the panel is and how well it works. Here, a view from a leading researcher into temperature change.


Politicians wave goodbye to the IPCC’s objectivity, argues Dr Christy

The IPCC is a framework around which hundreds of scientists and other participants are organised to mine the panoply of climate change literature to produce a synthesis of the most important and relevant findings.

These findings are published every few years to help policymakers keep tabs on where the participants chosen for the IPCC believe the Earth’s climate has been, where it is going, and what might be done to adapt to and/or even adjust the predicted outcome.

While most participants are scientists and bring the aura of objectivity, there are two things to note:

  • this is a political process to some extent (anytime governments are involved it ends up that way)
  • scientists are mere mortals casting their gaze on a system so complex we cannot precisely predict its future state even five days ahead

The political process begins with the selection of the Lead Authors because they are nominated by their own governments.

Thus at the outset, the political apparatus of the member nations has a role in pre-selecting the main participants.

But, it may go further.

Unsound bites

At an IPCC Lead Authors’ meeting in New Zealand, I well remember a conversation over lunch with three Europeans, unknown to me but who served as authors on other chapters. I sat at their table because it was convenient.

After introducing myself, I sat in silence as their discussion continued, which boiled down to this: “We must write this report so strongly that it will convince the US to sign the Kyoto Protocol.”

Politics, at least for a few of the Lead Authors, was very much part and parcel of the process.

And, while the 2001 report was being written, Dr Robert Watson, IPCC Chair at the time, testified to the US Senate in 2000 adamantly advocating on behalf of the Kyoto Protocol, which even the journal Nature now reports is a failure.

Follow the herd

As I said above – and this may come as a surprise – scientists are mere mortals.

The tendency to succumb to group-think and the herd-instinct (now formally called the “informational cascade”) is perhaps as tempting among scientists as any group because we, by definition, must be the “ones who know” (from the Latin sciere, to know).

A scientist launches a weather balloon (copyright John Turner)

The Alabama team produces data on atmospheric temperatures collected by weather balloons

You dare not be thought of as “one who does not know”; hence we may succumb to the pressure to be perceived as “one who knows”.

This leads, in my opinion, to an overstatement of confidence in the published findings and to a ready acceptance of the views of anointed authorities.

Scepticism, a hallmark of science, is frowned upon. (I suspect the IPCC bureaucracy cringes whenever I’m identified as an IPCC Lead Author.)

Full article BBC

Paulson says US bail-out working

November 12, 2008

Editor: He should have said the plan is working for his friends – everybody else can screw off. America has been robbed in the same fashion as 1929.

History repeats.


Paulson says US bail-out working

Henry Paulson outlined three ‘critical priorities’ for the rescue plan

He also appeared to rule out giving any of the funds to US carmakers, saying the bail-out was for financial firms.

The $700bn (£494bn) US bail-out package has already “clearly helped stabilise” the financial system, US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has said.

But he added that there were still many challenges ahead and market turbulence was likely to continue for some time.

Mr Paulson said authorities had abandoned plans to use some of the $700bn to buy up banks’ bad debts.

Source BBC

Nancy Pelosi–conspirator in pearls – Delivering American sovereignty over to the United Nations

What he really means as delivered by the late George Carlin. The first time I watched this I had a hard time believing they would actually go after the pension money, well……….. Listen to George, he understood truth.

Obama wins the election – Ron Paul gvies his take on the Stituation

November 5, 2008

Ron Paul on the Alex Jones Show – worth a listen.

The American Dream is now officially over. You are now a citizen of the NWO.

Ron Paul Warns Of Great Shift Toward Global Government Under Obama

Congressman says president elect was chosen long ago to take care of the corporate elite

Steve Watson
ay, Nov 5, 2008

Texas Congressman and 2008 presidential candidate Ron Paul has warned that the euphoria surrounding the election of Barack Obama combined with the overwhelming fear of major international crises could facilitate a cataclysmic shift toward a new world order.

Appearing live on the Alex Jones show earlier today, the Congressman spoke of a feeling of dread surrounding the change of guard both in the White House and on Capitol Hill:

“I do feel it but I don’t think it’s brand new, I didn’t wake up with it, I’ve had it for a while, I don’t think the election was a surprise, but the rhetoric is getting pretty strong and they are getting very bold.” he commented.

Speaking on the stage management of the election, and calling it a “huge distraction” from real issues, the Congressman outlined how both candidates were pre-positioned by the elite interests with the knowledge that either would satisfactorily serve their agenda:

To listen to the full interview click here.
