Archive for the ‘skeptics’ Category

The Green Movement is After Your Children

July 27, 2009

Don't let the Greens Steal Your Child

Global Warming It's a Good Thing

July 16, 2009

Are the deserts getting greener?

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned recently that rising global temperatures could cut West African agricultural production by up to 50% by the year 2020.

But satellite images from the last 15 years do seem to show a recovery of vegetation in the Southern Sahara, although the Sahel Belt, the semi-arid tropical savannah to the south of the desert, remains fragile.

Full story at the BBC

Global Warming Fears Fading

February 3, 2009

Fast Forward 2019 The New York Times February 2, 2019 Scientists Now Say Global Warming Fears Fading February 2, 2009

Posted by honestclimate

Fast Forward 2019 The New York Times February 2, 2019 Scientists Now Say Global Warming Fears Fading

By Andrew Revko – New York Times Environmental Reporter

As the Earth continues to cool, UN scientists now concede that CO2 was never the climate driver many made it out to be. The entire multi-trillion dollar global warming movement now appears to have been a result of massive funding, media hype and group think. The UN IPCC claims it never really promoted man-made climate fears and instead urged media outlets to cover its new environmental claim, the scarcity of oxygen on Earth.

The UN issued a warning last week declaring it was “immoral” to question the new consensus that the Earth was fast running out of oxygen. “As citizens of the world prepare to take their last gasps of air, they have no one to blame for our continued inaction but the well-funded oxygen denial industry,” said UN chief Al Gone. [Note: There are actually people warning about the ”oxygen crisis” in 2008.] Researcher Naomi Oresko, echoed Gore, declaring that her analysis of 55,000 studies proved that all scientists agree the Earth is running out of oxygen.

Andrew Dresslear of Gripe Magazine noted that there were only two dozen scientists who are not part of the new consensus regarding the “oxygen crisis.” Many scientists now deny ever being worried about CO2 emissioms. Gavin Schmite maintains he and his colleagues at Wishful Climate never promoted man-made global warming fears. “This is simply the deniers inventing history,” Schmite said. “First the deniers claimed that some scientists hyped a coming ice age in the 1970’s and now they are claiming we hyped warming in the latter part of 20th century and the first decade of the 21th century. What the world needs to understand is Wishfull Climate has never and can never be wrong because all weather and climate are perfectly consistent with all of our models. There has never been a climatic event that was not predicted by our models,” a red-faced Schmite insisted.

Read the Full Report Here

China Building 500 Coal Plants

January 29, 2009

At the two minute mark of the video below, from Australia, we learn that China is building 500 coal plants over the next ten years — One new power plant every four days.

China is  exempt from KYOTO

Think About it!

In Ontario, Canada, the govt. is filling rural Ont. with wind turbines under the guise of saving the environment and closing our four coal plants. ( wind has never been responsible for the closure of any fossil fuel plant)

We are going to close four coal plants at the same time China builds one every four days.

Think About it!

In the USA Obama said he will bankrupt the coal plants.

Think About it.

The Scam is Huge


it’s not about saving the environment and it’s not Green

Think About it!

Where is Maurice Strong? Father of Kyoto and Mentor of Al Gore and David Suzuki


Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the
industrialized civilizations collapse?
Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about
Maurice Strong, former Secretary General of UNEP

Think About it!

An Inconvenient Truth – The Reality!

January 24, 2009


I’d like to thank Norma, a reader from South Africa,  for sending this article.

When I started researching  wind farms, it didn’t take long to realize global warming was a fraud.

As the late George Carlin said – “what do they want? more for themselves and less for everyone else.” (video on sidebar)

That in a nut shell, wraps up the reality of the global warming hoax, and wind farms are directly tied to the hoax. (no global warming – no need for wind farms)

The question then becomes – Are we going to let our ”so-called” leaders  get away with the lies and the bull, that will in the end, destroy our countries.

Write or call your newspapers, radio and tv stations. Let them know you intend to stop using their services until such time as they quit hiding the truth, and start printing and broadcasting some reality.

Enough with the corporate/UN garbage.

America may have a new President but the game is still the same.


….There is a scientific consensus that the planet is warming ever so slightly. However, another inconvenient truth is that only 13% of the scientists—most of whom are funded by the oil industry, the environmentalists, or far left think tanks who believe global warming can be blamed on Republicans—believe that man-generated global warming is occurring. Eighty-seven percent of the scientific community knows that global temperature departures—both plus and minus—are cyclic events that are not caused by men nor can they be stopped by men since the origin of the heating and cooling comes from the sun and its affect on the Gulf Stream. Another inconvenient truth is that, currently, the global temperature departure, measured by NASA, is -0.05 degrees—over the past 50 years.

And finally, the inconvenient truth is that global warming exists not because it is fact but because its the excuse conjured up by the barons of business, the titans of industry and the princes of banking to justify the transfer of wealth from the affluent industrial nations to the human capital-rich third world nations where tomorrow’s consumers reside. The inconvenient truth is that global warming is a very transparent sham designed by evil men to force, through punitive environmental regulations, the wholesale transfer of not just jobs but entire industries from the industrial nations to the human capital-rich emerging economies where tomorrow’s consumers need jobs today—our jobs….

….When the inconvenient truth of Gore‘s Kyoto Protocol—which Bill Clinton signed, obligating the United States to the terms of the UN Global Warming Treaty even though the US Senate refused to ratify it—became public, most Americans believed that the vast right wing conspiracy was misrepresenting the terms of the agreement. Not true. Under the terms of the UN Global Warming Treaty, 134 of the 185 member nations were exempt and had no greenhouse gas restrictions. That was important because global warming has never been about global warming. Global warming has always been an issue about how to transfer jobs from the United States to the third world without Congressmen and Senators being run out of office. The inconvenient truth is the environmentalist Congressmen and Senators certainly did not intend to lose their jobs as they honored the wishes of their constituency! Not you—the ones with the thick billfolds who fill their campaign coffers. Now, that’s an inconvenient truth. Especially in an election year. The inconvenient question is—what are you going to do about it?

For full article please see:

PRESS RELEASE-Space and Science Research

January 15, 2009


I want to thank Norma, one of our readers,  for sending this important press release.

Since I started this blog, over two years ago, I’ve been saying that Global Warming is a scam and so are wind farms. The idea of wind farms was to save us from Global Warming/Climate Change caused by CO2 emissions.

CO2 never was a problem, therefore, there is no need for wind farms – CO2 was chosen as the “bogey man” to scare the populace into accepting the NEW WORLD ORDER!

Global Warming/Climate Change is and was a false fear cooked up by the Club of Rome and the IPCC, both arms of the UN.

Global Warming/Climate Change, pushed by the many NGO’s, all spawned by the UN or UN affiliated agencies, is the vehicle being used to gain ‘Control of the World’ and put in place the “New World Order” where everything and everyone will be ruled by a group of unelected elites, if they are successful.

If you haven’t noticed, it has been getting cooler not warmer for a long time now.

Please read the PRESS RELEASE and understand the scope of the SCAM that is being perpetrated upon you and your families.

The time has come for everyone, and I mean everyone, to call, write, fax. e-mail and visit your elected officials and demand a stop to this FRAUD.

It’s time to fill your local halls and churches and make plans to take back your communities and countries.

The  dangerous gas is not CO2 – it’s the gas being emitted every time one of the “GREEN CULT” members open their mouths.

The choice is yours – Live free – or accept the FRAUD  as reality!

Read the Green Agenda – NOW!


Space and Science Research Center 4700 Millenia Blvd. Ste. 175 Orlando, FL 32839 Tel: 407-835-3635 Fax: 407-210-3901 PRESS RELEASE SSRC 1-2009 Thursday, January 8, 2009 8:00 PM Obama Climate Change Advisers Holdren and Lubchenco Are Told Global Warming Is Over Time to Prepare the US for the New Cold Era The Space and Science Research Center (SSRC), today releases a letter mailed on January 1, 2009 to President-elect Barrack Obama’s nominated science adviser Dr. John Holdren and nominated NOAA administrator Dr. Jane Lubchenco clearly stating that “…global warming is over; a new cold climate has arrived.” In this letter, SSRC Director John Casey calls on Dr. Holdren to immediately reverse course on global warming programs and start preparing the country for the next climate change. Since the early 2007 discovery of the solar cycles that according to Casey drive our climate over a period of about 200 years, he and later the SSRC have been on a mission to get the word out to government leaders and media representatives in order to prepare the US for the coming bitter cold era. In explaining the reason for this first press release of 2009, Mr. Casey says,” There can no longer be any doubt that the Sun has entered an historic period of dramatically reduced activity which will bring us many long years of deep cold weather. This was predicted by me and a few other scientists around the globe but of course we were not taken seriously because of the politics of global warming and the refusal of many media outlets to print or telecast alternatives to the now discredited man made global warming concept. According to national and international sources that monitor the Sun, what is happening on and in the Sun is nothing short of record setting, astounding, and at the same time worrisome. The solar wind is at its lowest level in fifty years. The surface movement on the Sun has slowed to record rates and according to NASA’s previous announcements is ‘off the bottom of the charts.’ Most telling is the current prolonged lack of sunspots between the normal 11 year solar cycles 23 and 24 which is about to set a one hundred year record for time without sunspots. NASA also has long since forecast that cycle 25 will be ‘one of the weakest in centuries.” All of these events in combination leave little doubt that a ‘solar hibernation’ lasting several decades delivering the coldest weather in over two centuries has in fact arrived.” In its last press release of 2008, the SSRC had warned President-elect Obama in its sternest language to date, of the coming cold and genuine apprehension about climate change campaign promises and recent appointments. The release expressed that such actions in support of anthropogenic global warming would create a punitive and restrictive atmosphere for scientists who oppose the belief that greenhouse gas emissions were the primary agents of climate change and that the ill-effects of the new cold weather without government assistance and preparation, would lead to a ‘worst case scenario’ for the American people. Director Casey repeated his long standing position on the next climate change with the comment, “The longer we delay the necessary nation-wide preparations for the coming cold era the more difficult it will be. If the extremist rhetoric of man made climate change advocacy takes hold in the Obama administration which at this point is at fever pitch, then the stage will be set for the new cold climate to catch us completely off guard and unprepared. This will cause many Americans to suffer needlessly.” He added further, “The Earth has been in a long term cooling trend technically for eleven years. The significant drop in global temperatures that also occurred between January 2007 and much of 2008 should have been enough for most observers to finally accept that global warming is over, except that this information was intentionally not passed on to the American people. Also and unfortunately, the Presidential campaign where both major parties continued to beat the drum of global warming and man made climate change only helped to cement in the flawed concept that mankind was more powerful and had more influence on the Earth’s climate than the Sun itself. This unbelievable idea has been pushed heavily by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). This and the previous press release are intended to be no nonsense, to the point pleadings for some sanity in our government and the main stream media that have failed to accept the new climate reality. Specifically, it was the Sun and not man that caused the past twenty years of peak heating and it is the same Sun that through a dramatic decline in its activity will now bring us decades of extreme cold climate.” In a closing statement Casey reiterated, “The global warming of the past decades was caused by the Sun. It is now over. It will not return based upon the SSRC’s research, for at least thirty years. It will then return only because the Sun’s repeating cycles of activity are scheduled to pick up again at that time. We should not waste another minute, another penny in controlling something that simply does not exist, namely man made climate change and global warming. It is essential for the welfare of all Americans if not the world, that in light of these new and startling changes in the Earth’s temperature and the profound changes in the Sun, that the next administration initiate a top-down review and redirection of climate change policy as soon as President Obama takes office.” Letter to Dr. Holdren

To visit Space and Science Research Center and other press releases

Top Posts Last Week

January 12, 2009


If you make it through this top ten from last week and still think the “green movement” is honorable – you need to be deprogrammed.

Beware! The Green Shirts Are Here

Global Warming Video 1958

Sustainable Development: The Root of All Evil

Green Death?

Bonnechere Valley Township Loses Backbon

New World Order – Is This The FUTURE

Carbon Tax on Children?

Mind Maps – A Form of Child Porn?

UK e-mail law ‘attack on rights’

Carbon Offsets for Dummies Free Carbon Offsets-Live Guilt Free!

The Green Scam

The Enbridge Wind Farm Kincardine Ontario

Cash blown in the wind


Squirrel enjoys Global Warming

December 24, 2008

The squirrel doesn’t believe Al Gore or David Suzuki!

Do You?

Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas!

Al and David worship the Pagan Earth Goddess Gaia

For more videos vistit Catspat

BLACKOUT BRITAIN WARNING – A Warning for Canada and the USA

September 10, 2008

IF you live in North America you better pay attention! The renewable industry is a sham. It is designed to wreak havoc on you and the economy. This is not by mistake – it was planned and now the plan is in full swing. Without reliable energy, you and the economy are screwed.

Unless you want to move to China or India.

Read the

Green Agenda

Daily Express


Story Image

Power cuts ‘could spark disorder’

Sunday September 7,2008

By Jason Groves

Britain is “quite simply running out of power” and blackouts are almost inevitable within the next few years.

This is the stark warning from the head of an energy think-tank who believes power cuts could be serious enough to spark civil disorder.

Campbell Dunford of the respected Renewable Energy Foundation  said: “It’s almost too late to do anything about it. Nothing will stop us having to pay very high prices for power in future.

“If we pull our finger out now we can limit blackouts but it’s going to be pretty grim whatever happens.”

Gordon Brown pledged last week to end Britain’s reliance on the “dictatorship of oil” but Mr Dunford believes the Prime Minister’s new interest in the security of energy supplies may have come too late.

Only last Thursday, National Grid issued an urgent call for power after a series of power station breakdowns. Suppliers were asked to bring all their available generating capacity online, including costly oil-fired stations.

In May, hundreds of thousands of people in Cleveland, Cheshire, Lincolnshire and London suffered blackouts when seven power stations were closed.

The electricity industry estimates it needs to spend £100billion on new stations to ensure supplies.

It criticises ministers for focusing too heavily on such untried renewable energy sources as wind and tide power, rather than making sure that secure new power generation was put in place.

The report concludes: “A near fatal preoccupation with politically attractive but marginal forms of renewables seems to have caused a blindness towards the weakening of the UK’s power stations and a dangerous and helpless vulnerability to natural gas.”

The REF warns that as many as nine million people could be plunged into fuel poverty, defined as spending more than 10 per cent of their income on energy bills.

Ministers are already under massive pressure to do more to help people trapped in fuel poverty this winter because of soaring prices. Up to six million families are expected to face a stark choice between heating and eating following the series of massive energy price rises that have made a mockery of Labour’s target to eradicate fuel poverty by 2016.

Mr Dunford said worse was to come: “Certainly we’re going to be heading to eight or nine million in fuel poverty.

“There’s a very real chance that power, will not even be there when you need it. That’s when you start worrying about social disorder.”

Ministers have launched a belated plan to plug Britain’s energy gap, including the construction of a string of nuclear power stations. power stations take up to a decade to build though and many experts believe the Government’s move has come too late.

Full story at Daily Express

Wilson row over green 'alarmists'

September 5, 2008

Once again Ireland shows it’s intelligence. First they voted down the Lisbon Treaty and now Environment Minister Sammy Wilson has come out against the fraud of man made global warming. Proud to have a bit of the Irish flowing in my veins.

Sammy Wilson

Sammy Wilson’s view on climate change has angered environmentalists

The Environment Minister Sammy Wilson has angered green campaigners by describing their view on climate change as a “hysterical psuedo-religion”.

In an article in the News Letter, Mr Wilson said he believed it occurred naturally and was not man-made.

“Resources should be used to adapt to the consequences of climate change, rather than King Canute-style vainly trying to stop it,” said the minister.

Peter Doran of the Green Party said it was a “deeply irresponsible message.”

Mr Wilson said he refused to “blindly accept” the need to make significant changes to the economy to stop climate change.

“The tactic used by the “green gang” is to label anyone who dares disagree with their view of climate change as some kind of nutcase who denies scientific fact,” he said.

The minister said he accepted climate change can occur, but does not believe the cause has been identified.

“Reasoned debate must replace the scaremongering of the green climate alarmists.”

From the BBC