Archive for the ‘Singer Anne Murray’ Category

Wind Power Flaps

December 18, 2007

Elizabeth May is the leader of the Federal Green Party of Canada. She loves wind farms, even though she doesn’t seem to understand them particularly well. She is just now starting to  understand some of the realities. Credit to her for finally starting to listen to people. The people fighting wind farms are not NIMBY’S, they are citizens with real concerns that are not being properly addressed. The info in her letter about Ont. is completely  wrong. The wind farms that are being built in Ont. are sited just as improperly as the ones her friends in the wind industry say are improper in Nova Scotia. We also have people being driven from their homes here in Ont. I invite anyone who feels a wind farm, proposed or already installed, is improperly sited to give Elizabeth a call or send her an email. Link at end of story.

Wind Power Flaps
July 16th, 2007

This last week there have been a number of wind power related controversies. One played out through the blog pages of this web site; another continues to rage in the little village of Pugwash, Nova Scotia.

There is no question that the Green Party of Canada is unequivocally in favour of wind power. We need to catch up with the rest of the world, with the leadership of Denmark and Germany, to generate a significant amount of energy from wind.

The Green Party is also firmly committed to grassroots decision-making, local democracy, self-determination – however you want to describe the values of supporting the local in the face of global pressures.

What to do when these two commitments appear to be in conflict?

My approach is first to listen. To try and find out what the main objection is to a project that falls within our general mandate, in this case to promote renewable energy.

When I was Executive Director of Sierra Club of Canada, I was contacted by a Nova Scotia man, Daniel D’Entremont, who claimed his and his family’s life was being destroyed by the proximity of his home to a 17 turbine wind farm. He called me because he knew I had worked to help local residents impacted by the Sydney tar ponds and coke ovens site. He thought I was someone who would care.

Helping someone against a wind farm was a real stretch for Sierra Club, but I asked the local Atlantic Canada chapter if they thought there was anything to his claims. I asked a friend who is in the wind energy business to look at the Pubnico Wind Farms and check out the proximity to the D’Entremont home. It was about 400 meters away and yes, their health was suffering. The kids couldn’t sleep well. The family had more headaches. No one helped them. Sierra Club Atlantic Canada Chapter publicly called for relocation for the D’Entremonts and proper siting of wind farms. Still, no one helped. In the end, they abandoned their house and moved.

Last week I had a call from a reporter wondering what I thought about Anne Murray being against a wind farm near Pugwash My first thought was not sympathetic. I think objections to wind farms based on aesthetics, not liking the look of the towers, should give way to the need to shut down coal plants and bring in wind. I disagree with the position taken by someone I admire enormously, Robert Kennedy Jr, who has been against turbines located off the shores of Cape Cod. With Bush’s smog policies (codenamed “Clear Skies”) it would be hard to see the turbines from the famous Hyannis port complex.

Nevertheless, before shooting from the hip, I called around. I went on the company website. I found that it was the same developer who had had conflicts with the D’Entremonts. And, once again, my contacts in the wind energy field in Nova Scotia said this was bad siting. So I stood up for Anne Murray, who is not guilty of NIMBY but is putting herself in the public eye to help a large group of community residents who don’t get the media attention one of Canada’s best loved singers can get.

(She phoned to thank me and said before she had done anything public, she had checked with David Suzuki to see if he thought it was the right thing to do).

Meanwhile, the whole controversy highlights the weaknesses of Nova Scotia’s renewable energy policy. There are no standard offer contracts, as in Ontario, to help bring in lots of smaller, better sited, projects. There are no standard set-backs agreed upon to ensure that renewable energy doesn’t destroy life for the neighbours.

Are there health effects when wind is too close to homes? The literature says yes. Should those of us who believe in wind energy forget the human element? Should local grassroots democracy only matter when we like the result?

Green Party of Canada

Anne Murray lends voice to opponents of N.S. wind farm

July 4, 2007

By DARRELL COLE The Canadian Press | 5:41 PM

GULF SHORE — Nova Scotia’s songbird wishes a proposed wind farm in Gulf Shore would just fly away.

Singer Anne Murray, who has a summer home in the area, is joining other residents in opposing the construction by Atlantic Wind Power Corp. of 20 to 27 100-metre-high wind turbines in the province’s northwest corner.

“I just think it’s too close. It’s in all our backyards,” said Murray, who grew up in nearby Springhill. “I think wind power is a good thing, and I am all for them when they’re in the right place. I don’t believe these ones are in the right place.”

The project is presently undergoing an environmental assessment. Depending on how that goes, construction could begin in 2009.

Area residents have been fighting the project since it was first proposed and urged Cumberland County to set the distance between the turbines and their properties at a minimum of two kilometres. Instead, the municipality passed a bylaw setting the distance at the greater of three times the height of the turbine, or 500 metres.

Company president Charles Demond has said a two-kilometre setback would kill the project.

Murray feels the concerns being raised by the Gulf Shore Association and area residents aren’t being taken seriously. She believes there are too many unanswered questions surrounding the placement of turbines close to homes, including the effects of noise, vibration and shadow flicker.

“Some people think this is just a bunch of hysterical people opposed to change, but nothing could be farther from the truth,” she said. “These people are in favour of wind power, but the bylaw passed by the county doesn’t set the distance far enough between their homes and these turbines.

“I’m all for progress and I’m all for change, but not this close.”

Murray said she’s also not opposed to using her celebrity to help project opponents because she feels this wind farm will have a “catastrophic” impact on Pugwash and the Gulf Shore area.

The Amherst News