Archive for the ‘Ontario doctors’ Category

Bill C 51-Notice of a protest rally on in Richmond

May 21, 2008

Although our main purpose is to expose the wind industry – this is very important. If you can attend do and if you know someone near Richmond please alert them.


*Notice of a protest rally on Bill C 51  in Richmond*
On *Wednesday. May 21*, Health Canada is holding a “stakeholders’
meeting” in *Richmond*, behind closed doors,  on  the New Health
Bill –  Bill C 51.
*We need to show Health Canada how we feel!*
*We need* as many *people *as can make it *to do street picketing*.
We need *your help* – there is strength in numbers ( and as many
people as possible who feel passionately about the draconian
injustices and assaults on health contained in this Bill)    **
*Bring good signs* – we are hoping for some TV news coverage!     When:  *May 21, 2008    –   _ 3 pm_ – 5 pm
*    Where:  *Best Western* Richmond Hotel & Convention Centre
*7551 Westminster Highway*,
Richmond, BC
Even though this is a rather late notice, (since this takes
place this Wednesday) please pass this message on to as many of
your local contacts as possible.  Thank you!
Hope to see you there!

*If you know that you can make it, please let Kurt know at   604

He has taken the initiative to organize this protest rally because
he is so very concerned about Bill C 51.  I hope you are too.

“When we give government the power to make medical decisions for
us, _ we, in essence, accept that the state owns our bodies.”_       ~U.S.Representative Ron Paul, MD

What does Bill C 51 do?  It makes it a crime for you to take care of
your health in any  manner  – *unless granted specific government
permission*.  At the present time, 60 -70 % of Natural Health
Product applications have been rejected and have failed to receive
that permission.  *The punishments for non-compliance are those
found in total dictatorships – they are draconian and onerous beyond
Bill C 51 sells your health decisions to government bagmen,
which are in bed with Big Pharma .  It destroys your right to make
your own health choices, your right to practice self-sufficiency and
independence – and it removes your access to Natural Health Products
that have been shown to be safe for centuries.         *Take back jurisdiction over your own body* – It is your God-given
birthright – protect it!.  It does not belong to the government, and certainly not to industry. (Big Pharma).

Wind farm raises health concerns

March 28, 2008

research has suggested that those effects don’t cause long-term health impacts after people are no longer living near wind farms”.

Health Canada has never done a study of the health affects of wind turbines on the health of the people. I’ve asked, as have many others, both the Provincial and Federal Health Ministries why there hasn’t been a health study conducted. Now we know.

They already know industrial wind turbines are being placed too close to people and they know they have negative affects. Once you have been run off your property, the ill affects you experienced living next to a 400 ft. high wind turbine will disappear. Using their logic, there is no need for a health study.

Daniel d’entremont and his family were forced from their home. The good news is their health is slowly returning to normal. They can’t live in their home any longer, but who cares about a home when you have your health.

Your government doesn’t give a damn, it’s that simple.


Wind farm raises health concerns; No long-term effect, says Kingston doctor

Posted By Jennifer Pritchett

Kingston’s public health department will lobby government for more research into the health effects of wind turbines.

Dr. Ian Gemmill, Kingston’s medical officer of health, says there hasn’t been enough monitoring done to determine whether they’re harmful.

Gemmill made the declaration at a board of health meeting this week in response to residents who live near the proposed site of a wind farm to be built on Wolfe Island.

The citizens had asked public health to assess the health risks associated with the turbines, but based on the information that is available, Gemmill said, there is nothing to indicate that wind turbines have any long-term effect on people’s health.

“We haven’t got a lot of evidence to go on right now,” said Gemmill. Gemmill said that though there are concerns about low-level noise, appearance and stress caused by the turbines, research has suggested that those effects don’t cause long-term health impacts after people are no longer living near wind farms.

As well, much of the research that is available, he said, doesn’t appear to come from reputable sources.

“Our conclusion is that while there may be some short-term concerns, this will not have a long-term health effect,” said Gemmill.

Board member Vicki Schmolka told the board that she wasn’t sure that she agreed with Gemmill’s conclusion. She indicated that she felt there are health concerns associated with the turbines that the board should investigate further.

“Seems to me what we’re really saying is that this person needs to move away and they’ll be OK,” she said.

Schmolka, who is also a city councillor, asked Gemmill if he was comfortable saying that there were definitively no long-term health effects from wind turbines.

“I’m saying it’s reversible,” he responded. “I know that people are bothered by this, but the question here is when do we become involved.”

thewhigJennifer Pritchett

 The Studies are out there but the govt, refuses to acknowledge them.

Frey & Hadden, Wind turbines and health

Wind turbine noise affects health

Health Care in Huron Bruce Gets a Failing Grade

October 8, 2007

 by Ron Stephens

The percentage of people in Huron Bruce without a family doctor remains at unacceptable levels. Why?

Both the Liberal and Conservative parties want to introduce private health care. Starve the system long enough and pretty soon private health care starts to look good.

If you want good health care you must demand it. Competing against each other for doctors by attempting to bribe them is demeaning for both the communities and the doctors, It is also a losers game. The solution I have come up with is very simple. Fast track the foreign doctors already in the province but not practicing, they are assigned a community and paid on a graduated scale until they reach full pay at the end of five years. With any luck they have become a part of the community and are happy to continue to live and practice in their new home town. It is important that people entering medical school are screened so that the ones who put health care ahead of money get the positions in the schools. Those doctors will be less likely to leave to chase the money. The doctors must be well paid, but money should not be their first priority.

Our health care system will never work if the powers that be continue to be allowed undermine it.